Care Work

Woven in Renfrewshire

Portrait of white woman's neck and chest. One hand holding fabric and moss close to chest.
Moss stitched on top of a magenta circle on cotton

Woven in Renfrewshire will focus on the experiences of local care-experienced women. Project is designed to create temporary artworks in Renfrewshire’s public realm with artists Dr t s Beall, Kayleigh McGuinnessKaren Herbison and Audrey O’Brien.

moss gathering great grandmothersea-projects

social mediaFablevision


Woven in Govan / Carer Stories

Gingko tree with botanical label
Audrey intertwines the history and medical usage of the Gingko Tree with the stories of the women, Julia Bögelein 2021

Project highlighting carers stories from Govan produced as part of the Woven in Govan project – part of a larger international online exhibition platform, Woven Network.

t.s. Beall, Ursula Kam-Ling Cheng, Deirdre Nelson, Audrey O’Brien, Donna Rutherford, and Alex Wilde & Ailie Rutherford.

Exhibition responds to care, caring and women’s roles within the pandemic.

Care workers voices are highlighted in illustrations, music and spoken word, posters and embroidery.
